The Zone Challenge

This interactive team session is an exciting and vibrant challenge that exercises the mind and spirit of competitors. The ability to plan, co-ordinate, communicate, delegate, manage and lead are tested to the full.

The key to success lies in utilising the skills and resources available to maximum effect. The challenge allows participants to contribute to the overall performance of their team, irrespective of age, sex or physical ability.

Operational Structure

The control centre will serve as a planning and operational base for all contestants. During the central briefing each team will be given a finite amount of Currency. Each team will then take part in a quick ‘cost benefit’ auction, bidding for the sequence of tasks that they believe will best suit their team’s strengths.

The challenge itself is ‘free flow’ consisting of approximately 5-10 multifarious tasks.  Teams are required to develop a plan that is most suited to their team dynamics before attempting as many tasks as possible.

In order to complete as many tasks as possible, and gain maximum points, the team will then have to divide down into sub teams, according to the skill balance/breakdown within the team. When the allocated time limit is up, teams must stop what they are doing and move to the next task area or face penalty points. The team must consistently manage their time efficiently and effectively.